Monday, January 28, 2019


I saw a pretty, cute little girl
Her eyes had shine
Her words were pure
But how I wish
I saw a spark too
To fly up high
And a spark to dive
Like a carefree soul
Her eyes I wish
Had that spark too

I saw her tiny wings
That I wish could grow
Rather allowed to grow
I wish she was born
Among them who would
Let her laugh loud
Let jump high
Let her fly
Let her be free from fear
Let her have eyes to dream

I wish she was told
They are glad she's a girl
She can choose to be
Scientist or miss universe
Or whatever her like be
Alas she was but told
She is a girl
Should veil her wings
Should cut her dreams
Should 'know' she's a girl

And oh how ironic
The culture is
We appreciate the stories
Of sheroes and queens
That fought to be
What we love to see
And instead of letting
Our girls grow like 'em
We tell them their wings
Are but wings of a 'girl'