Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Inhuman Act

It’s not that Amanat’s is the first case of its kind. Randomly pick a newspaper, flip the pages, skim through, and you’ll find the black letter ‘rape’ inscribed therein. The most under-reported crime is so high on stats that every 54 minutes the heinous act is committed in India (as on records, omitting the off-record ones).
 The protests, candle marches, debates and opposition accusing the ruling parties – all this would probably flash away and become just a prominent media history – unless the douche bags (pardon me for using the word, but they deserve no less) are severely tried  Live example is right here. The 23 year old was victimized on December 16 (Sunday). This was in news few hours later with loud protests all over. The very next day (on Monday) a three-year-old was raped in the same city. Two days later(Wednesday), another teen was gang raped in Bhubaneswar (there are definitely many others, but not in news). Not that the assaulter in each of the last two cases wasn’t aware of the former hooligans. Not that the police wasn’t alert on Monday or later. But the incident still happened.

The question here is, have the dark clouds overheaded the conscience so badly that just for the sake of momentary pleasure or grudge/anger outburst, the humanity within is murdered? This loathful act causes a permanent tarnish. The physical and mental bruise cannot be healed ever.

Keeping in view our future, the assaulters should be so harshly chastised that the days to come become less scary for the vulnerable sex. Let us pray for those who became the preys of inhumanity. Let us also pray for a better tomorrow of our world. It is never a delight writing such news or speaking about such an event. Let's protest and appeal our government to make stringent rule to punish the miscreants in harshest imaginable ways that compel the offenders regret about their act each second. 

Over to the legislation that is supposed to be our savior..

1 comment:

  1. Strict law must b framed at d earliest ..else dse strange inhuman acts wil soon find themselves in 1 of the unbelievable facts book publishing al over d wrld, humiliating our country..:(
